I love this stuff. As a tour guide in central Australia I have to tell my guests that they will not be seeing kangaroos and emu because technology was used to introduce horses and camels. Both introduced species have destroyed the food source of the native animals. Latest tech I heard was that to deal with the feral cat problem another predator needs to be introduced so the cats have a rival.

Tech has created the current climate change problems through manufacturing and capitalism. The constant fear based propaganda of scientists of all kinds. Consumption of natural resources has created the problem so the best answer is to manufacture something else. Do we know the long term effects of Lithium mining? Do we know the effects of waste created from renewables. To me the tech based solution is just introducing another predator to the natural world. Living within the natural world is the solution not creating more synthetics. The Indigenous Australians have survived for 40,000 years in a sustainable way. Maybe it is the Indigenous culture of the world that have the answer to our problems. It is certainly not technology.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Andy @Revkin

Excellent program! Both thought provoking, insightful, and, in some sense, hopeful. That said the elephant in the room that was seldom mentioned is that the real driver of the climate problem is ever increasing numbers of humans, being. Who knew that Chris Hayes was so intelligent and so well informed about this very complex topic? And yet like so many others today rather than acknowledging the perils of consumer driven, over population propelled, growth for growth sake he continues to base his reason for hope upon the very technology that has created these overwhelming problems in the first place. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but technology tends to create problems faster than solutions! In his excellent book, "Why Things Bite Back" author Edward Tenner details the many promises used to promote various technologies and then analyzes in detail how those same technologies have led to even more difficult to solve problems. Modern man's addiction to technology began when he first picked up a rock and used it to smash a walnut he wanted to eat. But all these thousands of years later that addiction to "tool solutions" is threatening our continued existence as a species. Clever tools and techniques may well allow us to stumble deeper and deeper into the extinction trap through allowing more and more humans to survive. But as the number of humans continues to increase and over burden the planet's ability to sustain those numbers we will finally have to recognize that as Thoreau warned many years ago that "we have become the tool of our tools!"

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I just wrote on the 8 billion threshold, Winston. I have to say the old "overpopulation" vision hasn't held up at the global level - yet at least. There are huge population pressures in hot spots of poverty for sure. https://revkin.substack.com/p/as-the-human-population-tops-8-billion Thanks as always for posting, neighbor!

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Andy I won't pretend to understand the numbers game that predicts the future of mankind. Nor will I pretend to know at what population level the human species will expire. What I will say is that when people like Jordan Peterson confidently proclaim that the earth can sustain many more humans than are currently populating the globe he's forecasting a world in which I don't want to live. Overpopulation does not have to reach the "collapse" level to be felt and quality of life counts at least as much as quantity of life...maybe even more. Advancing technological change may make continued growth possible, in fact technological advancement might well be said to make continued population growth inevitable. But it may also make life more and more unpleasant in the process.

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