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Tom Dietz, a longtime environmental science and policy researcher (Michigan State etc), sent this:

My wife Linda Kalof and one of our former students, Cameron Whitley, now at Western Washington, have done extensive research on how people perceive images of animals, including some work on climate change. Most of the work is summarized at www.animalstudies.msu.edu

Some of the papers include:

Whitley, Cameron T, Linda Kalof and Tim Flach. 2021. "Using Animal Portraiture to Activate Emotional Affect." Environment and Behavior 53(8):837-63.

Kalof, Linda, Joe Zammit-Lucia, Jessica Bell and Gina Granter. 2016. "Fostering Kinship with Animals: Animal Portraiture in Humane Education." Environmental Education Research 22(2):203-28.

Kalof, Linda, Joe Zammit-Lucia and Jennifer Rebecca Kelly. 2011. "The Meaning of Animal Portraiture in a Museum Setting: Implications for Conservation." Organization & environment 24(2):150-74.

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