That's good to hear. The use of the AMOC acronym and other technical terms has not been helpful to helping laypeople understand climate change anyway.

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One issue I've seen is that physical scientists often are naive about messaging and what activates - or paralyzes - the average person.

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MrJon Baker, Senior Climate scientist at the Met again is making his best guess" It is unlikely there will be a catastrophic failure of the AMOC occuring before 2100 BUT the risks are real. Everytime a climate scientist has to leave this door open means that there statementare only a guess. There are many unforeseen or yet to be discovered interferencing conditions directly affecting the AMOC and signs of it weakening does not bode well for Mr Bakers hopes.

It always shocks me that changing the time of year that major influxes of fresh water make their way into the northern oceans has never been thoroughly researched by the scientific community . For centuries the largest rivers in the Northern hemisphere, particularly all those now former rivers, used to be frozen in all winter long. These x rivers now reservoirs in the subarctic, are forced to flow all winter from hydroelectric stations that pull the warm waters from 60-70 feet down below the top of frozen reservoirs, here the water temperature is around 40F.

This is the exact opposite of what used to be for thousands of years. Again these former rivers flow only below the hydro reservoir dams and only in the dead of winter. The ongoing cumulative effect year after year for 6 decades changed the entire temperature profile along the archipelago, from Siberia to Labrador, as well as themally polluting-gradually heating waters entering the Continental Shelves ALONG THE ARCTIC COAS, and knocking out of sinc Thermohaline currents that functioned with a natural river flow and not a human regulated flow.

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