Many workers, families and communities will be negatively impacted by implementation of climate and biodiversity solutions. Workers, families and communities supported by fossil fuel companies, gas and diesel vehicles, beef, dairy and corn-based ethanol production are examples. These workers, families and communities are threatened by the transition to renewable energy, plant-based diets and less luxury spending on international travel, private jets and yachts. Climate solutions must be paired with realistic and generous just transition solutions, or the politics is not winnable. Just transition solutions cannot be a nebulous after-thought.

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Absolutely agree. The concept of “climate justice” so far doesn’t integrate “energy justice” - and that’s true at the global scale as well, as discussed by Jan Rockstrom and others here several years ago. Scroll down here: https://revkin.substack.com/p/after-cop26-cheers-and-jeers-some-21-11-15

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I feel like there's a lot of people who want to burn it all down right now. Some people want to burn it down for the right reasons, some of them the wrong ones. I personally have moments of that too. But that's what Americans wanted and they picked the guy with gasoline and a match.

The collateral burn damage will still be terrible.

That said, there are people in my very liberal location that loathe the bus/bike lanes as they sit in traffic. I was comparing an electric bill from Oct 2022 to the current one--with the same exact kWh--the bill was $40 more. This is despite being on our "community choice" electric plan that is supposed to insulate us and be more green. And the extra fees actually list things such as "distributed solar charge" + "renewable energy charge" + "energy efficiency charge" + "electric vehicle program". I have seen many snide comments from people who dislike these things and blame them for their costs rising. And let's not forget that Sierra Club worked against the hydro line in Maine, which we just saw in the headlines last week will cost us: "Mass. ratepayers to pay $521m more for hydroelectricity because of Maine political delays".

I still support all these things, and think they are important as we face climate change. But they are at the same time under the skin of a lot of regular folks and adding to their desire to light the match.

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You’ve definitely hit on a key theme. Agreement that the system is very broken and current Democrat strategies don’t remotely address that. And that Republican strategies come with deeply imbalanced risk

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Glen Farber, resident poet in Sustain What comment space, offered this note by email:

Trump's options on climate are thin,

With policies hard to begin.

The Clean Power Plan,

Though bold in its span,

Faces courts and a Supreme Court win.

Globally, trends are still shaped,

By markets more than what’s made,

Emissions decline,

But it’s hardly by design,

Obama's policy gains soon fade.

The future will continue to be up to us,

In spite of a POTUS installed by a doofus,

We outnumber them thousands to one,

And the oligarchs will be forced to run,

To their gated enclaves to be treasonous.

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Climate Science is missing both. Take a tip from astrophysicists who are studying another too-complex-to-model-accurately thing, who freely admit they’re not sure about ~90% of what is ‘out there’ so they call it Dark Matter/Energy. That is science. What climate scientists do is claim consensus, censor debate, and cling to inadequate computer models which are being fed ‘selective’ data - specifically discarding most of the high altitude temp stations since 1990. According to climate science Bolivia, a very mountainous country, is boiling. But that is based on ZERO temp data stations/readings in Bolivia! This is all happening for a reason that is NOT science but is political, and you are a pawn in this game of dismantling the western industrialized economy in favor of UN-controlled 15-minute carbon-neutral ‘cities’. Did I say cities? I meant jails.

Please watch this video & rethink your assumptions about how ethical or smart your community really is (or isn’t): https://youtu.be/2jasZcNQqsw?si=CWOQWTNXVpx-BFHt

Transcript snippet: “This is breaking news. The two key centers involved are the National Climate Data Center at Asheville North Carolina, and the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies at Columbia University in New York City.

“Here’s what this means: When you see a news report that the government has found that a certain month or season of the year was the warmest in history, or that five of the warmest years on record were in the last decade, don't believe it. Those reports are based on manipulated data.

“This information from the US parallels what we learned in late November from the huge leak at the East Anglia University Climate Center in England.

“There are four key revelations about the US data centers: First, the computer programs used at those centers to calculate world temperature averages have been dramatically altered so that the final computer product no longer averages actual temperatures from actual locations. Instead, those researchers are pulling numbers from locations which may be hundreds of miles away and applying them to that area.

“Secondly, the number of weather observation points has been dramatically reduced from about 6,000 to only about 1,000.

“Third, the vast majority of the weather stations that were eliminated were those in cooler locations at higher latitudes and elevations.

“And fourth, the temperatures themselves are being altered by so-called homogenization, a process that seems to always result in warmer output readings.”

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The 14 year old YouTube video that you posted is misinformation. Here's a recent video from Simon Clark that corrects the misinformation: https://youtu.be/MxdYQdl2NNs?si=0D_Bv_jBf5C3A_TQ

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@Jim Little, did you watch the video you sent me? If so, you would have noticed NO MENTION of the Govt Manipulating Data by reducing the number of temp stations used in climate models from 6000 to 1000 by 1990.

I did enjoy the video though, esp how the author ‘skates’ around the Obvious Fraud admitted to by the scientist’s leaked emails showing they were hiding/manipulating data.

From my misinformation video (the one NOT mentioned in your video reply):

“As shocking as this manipulation is, it's not the first to surface. The emails leaked or hacked from the East Anglia Climate Center in England showed extensive similar efforts to make the data show warming where none existed, and back in 1999 a research meteorologist, named Michael Mann, produced this chart showing temperatures holding steady from the year 1,000 to about 1980 - and then suddenly skyrocketing. The chart line is said to resemble a hockey stick. But then, two researchers looked into the program Dr. Mann used, and discovered his computer program would produce a hockey stick no matter what data was in the input.”

I know Mann’s research has been updated (bc the hockey stick model did not hold melted ice) and the new research still shows it’s hotter now than ‘ever’ in last 1000 years. However, no scientist has proven this is only due to Increased cO2. Because this proof is nearly impossible. Increasing cO2 is only ONE possible factor among soooo many that your computer models cannot grok it all. Just like astrophysics. Was the start and end of the little ice age caused by cO2? Was the extreme heat of the 1930’s dust bowl era caused by cO2? Will you super-brilliant scientists even admit it’s possible that earth has more & more complex climate levers operating than those included in your computer models? Could the Sun have more to do with earths climate than the models predict? Could water vapor be far more impactful than cO2 on our temperature variability? Do you even understand or care how Geoengineering is affecting our weather? Finally, could it be that Climate Scientists all agree with whoever is funding them? Hubris and Consensus do not good science make.

Our obsession with cO2 is blinding our eyes and our policies from seeing far more harmful pollutants being spewed on us by big corps and at the OK of our govt regulators. The chemicals in our soil, water and food will kill far more people than hot weather ever will (btw Cold temps kills 7-10 times more people than hot temps annually). Coca Cola & subsidiaries produce 200,000 single use plastic bottles every minute, but grazing cows is the real threat to the survival of us and our planet?

The WHO/UN and your govt in cahoots with big tech ala Gates/Blackrock are dismantling our food systems in favor of lab-grown proteins - is this for our health or for the health of their bank accounts? They are spraying alumina (nano) & other toxic metals into our upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight - and why do they hide this obviously egalitarian effort to reduce climate change impacts? They are refusing to plant trees because Direct Air Capture makes more ‘sense’, uh rather dollars and cents, Again, you are a pawn in this greater, ugly drama that will be clear when your every breathe/movement/consumption is measured & taxed to mitigate cO2 emissions. When your euthanasia is simply to help the earth by reducing carbon. While Gates & Blackrock CEOs continue to fly around in private jets. Get it?♟️

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@David, I'm sorry that you've been persuaded by the conspiracy theorists. Global warming is real and is due to the marked rise in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations over the past 150 years (primarily CO2, CH4 & N2O). This worsening global warming is causing worsening heat waves, droughts, extreme storms and rising sea levels (both due to thermal expansion from continued ocean warming and due to melting of polar ice). We are on headed to 3 deg C of warming during the lifetime of today's children, unless we can dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally in the next 3 decades. https://www.ipcc.ch/synthesis-report/

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@jim, oh really? Thank you for educating me, I’d never heard any of that before. Oh wait, I studied atmospheric science, so some of it sounds vaguely familiar. Esp the conspiracy part. Warning: Galileo was my Disinformation Hero.

One of us is seeking truth via more than MSM sources, more debates, more whistleblowers & leaked databases, more NGO-published policy docs, and more court findings/testimonies.

The other uses name-calling & regurgitation of his master’s voice.

Science demands ever-questioning, ever-debating, ever-proving, ever-refining. Climate (and Virology) scientists stand in very unscientific Consensus, held together by Hubris snd Censorship of dissenting voices as disinformation - this exposes the weak footings both schools have been built upon. Is there ANY humility left amongst them?

Gain of Fiction

Loss of Science

Bruh, don’t take it from me! Listen to your own climate darling the IPCC:

“The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climatestates is not possible.”

Words I live by: “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” – Richard P. Feynman

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