Commenters who think the Supreme Court has enabled a Trump dictatorship need to read the Opinion in USA v. Trump.

Very little of Trump's conduct on Jan 6 is entitled to immunity. Read Justice Robert's majority opinion please.

Liberals have distorted what the Court has said, either because they can't or won't read, or because they find it useful to frighten Americans into voting against Trump.

Have they read only the dissenting opinions, which paint some dystopian Trump dictatorship? These opinions border on the disingenuous.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Andy @Revkin

TBH the image reminds me of a lyric from Paul Simon's "American Tune" (1973):

" ... And I dreamed I was flying

And high up above my eyes could clearly see

The Statue of Liberty

Sailing away to sea ..."

That lovely, mournful "tune" comes to mind frequently these days ...

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Always eager for musical references. It also reminds me, particularly, of the great Ry Cooder version of Battle Cry - steeped in irony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-40K0JY9WAE

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Yes - absolutely.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Andy @Revkin

Well, it's a low point for sure. Trump bought the courts around the country for exactly this reason: to make him King. A year before our founding my ancestors started to fight. Tories were tarred, feathered and set adrift in the downeast current for Nova Scotia. This is what they would do to Trump et al were they here today.


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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Andy @Revkin

I am digging in- as of today I am providing a "space" where my likeminded neighbors and friends can gather weekly ( in person or virtually)

to brainstorm, share ideas, raise awareness, plan, act. There is no other option. Voter education, registration, and access to the polls are paramount.

"Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession."

George Washington

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Local and face to face is always best. Still, thinking one thing I can contribute is hosting a virtual gathering place of the same sort. For local efforts to share questions and success stories. Feels like a waste of time to do webcasts on anything else at this moment.

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Yes, a gathering place right now is what's needed- we need to help people move from this media induced hopelessness and fearfulness to empowerment- our gathering is a hybrid as we have friends across the street and from the Maritimes to San Diego who'll be calling in.

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Jul 4Liked by Andy @Revkin

Was under the impression this day was to celebrate independence from a tyrannical king. That feels quite confusing this year.

(I wonder what the ultra patriots who drive around with flags flying off the back of pick up trucks think today is really about…


In any case, I also cling to a shred of hope that as the election nears, a message of unity against fascism appears and undecideds or disinterested people are convinced to ignore personalities and focus on the goal of keeping democracy alive. (Which includes the Constitution and all those rights enumerated therein. Which people across the political spectrum claim to love so much.)

Not that I have an opinion or anything…😳🥴

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Jul 4Liked by Andy @Revkin

To Allan and Andy -- Unless we can get to the younger, more self-centered (because they haven't gone through anything like this before) non-voters - to vote for whomever ends up being the Democratic candid -- this might be the last Fourth of July we honor the American Flag.

The next one just might be a Nazi Swastika flag.

Ask / tell them all to think about that -- instead of just themselves.

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That weird scene is a perfect comment on a broken America. I usually am an optimist, also, but find it hard to maintain that optimism these days. The only thing I can do is to work like hell to get out the vote - I think apathy, particularly in the aftermath of Biden's debate performance, is in danger of electing Trump. To be honest, I am not voting, nor asking people to vote, in favor of whomever the Democrats nominate for president, but against Trump. Combined with an awful Supreme Court, we could be heading for dangerous times. Thank you, Andy Revkin, for this.

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And thanks for your reflections here, Alan.

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Your responders must eat the same mushrooms you do. The Supreme Court in contradiction to your interpretation actually LIMITS and delineates the instances where the president is protected. Until this ruling the protection was virtually carte blanche

short of blatant criminal action.

By the way, all of you hand wringers can point to no “dictatorial” actions in his first term - as opposed to the Obama/Biden’s executive order rule.

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I'm writing postcards for FieldTeam6 to register Democrats in our Congressional District through Voterizer.org. As the election gets closer, will probably try to overcome my distaste of canvassing, calling, etc. to get out the vote. Hoping the women of this country will get out there and hold on to our rights with their votes. (A friend opines that the right wing has no idea of the fury among American women that SCOTUS has unleashed with their Dobbs decision. I hope she's right.)

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Great work Judy! Women will be the salvation of this world.

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Women everywhere are blessing you 🙌

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I've got nothing I'm afraid. I think we're doomed, which sucks because, as someone in his late 20s, I should actually be looking forward to living.

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In the words of Clint Eastwood “ let the old man get you down” - you sound old - wake up and smell the roses. God made a marvelous world for us. Discover it!

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We're about to end America and, oh yeah, we're in a mass extinction that no scientist will say humans will survive. Forgive me if I don't run around with a smile on my face.

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Mass extinction? When did this start? What scientists? Please see a priest or rabbi or someone to rekindle a faith in something bigger than your pessimistic nihilism. I will pray for you.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident,:

that all hazards to navigation are created equal in the eyes of Admiralty Jurisdiction

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If ever there was a time for social democracy, a simple principle where economic success and social justice go hand-in-hand, it should be now.

But we seem unable or unwilling to stand up for these self-evident truths, even though reformation is possible.

Words and ideas can change the world. Directing intentions change mindsets as we have witnessed sending our nation's future into dismise.

"Because our Constitution does not shield a former president from our answering for criminal and treasonous acts, I dissent."

I'm not an expert but my understanding is that dissenting Justices read out their dissent to emphasize how much they oppose the majority ruling. Seems to be apparent the only solution offered is to keep people divided.

My concern being people's mental health. Being served one shocking headline after another for the last 4 years has done collective damage instilling trauma responses. As we can no longer rely on government, we must learn to love thy neighbor just a wee bit more.

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Dissent all you want but there was no “treason” or criminal act only abusive of the judicial system by blue state prosecutors and judges. The last 3 1/2 yrs have been a disaster or the polls would favor the guy responsible but for an anomaly sleepy Joe’s’s would never had the chance to promote Obama’s agenda to destroy our system and turn the country into third world socialist mess.

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To Andy -- Thought you might.

But as I come from another background from you - I'm afraid - after talking to a lot of "younger people" on my block - at a block party we just had - my wife and I are "the old couple" -- they are just too self-centered - and have no idea as to what "Patriotism towards the US" is: -- and are not voting because they feel "they're not being heard" over Joe Biden's age.

They're going to sit it out -- naively thinking that -- there will be a better choice next time.

I'm afraid that this country's going to be given to the MAGA Nazis -- because these "younger, I don't want to make a decision based on who's running" type ae going to hand the Country over.

They just don't comprehend what "Freedom" is - whether it is to be a Saint - or an Ass...."

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Nazis? How trite and meaningless

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I hope this clueless generation stays home. We don’t need voters who don’t know what’s going on

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Thanks for the shout out, Andy, and for all the rest of it too.

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